Rural and Tribal Environmental Solutions, Inc. is a small business founded to provide training and technical assistance to underserved populations and rural communities across the United States.


  • provide a variety of water and wastewater training classes, sanitary surveys, and technical assistance to tribal and non-tribal organizations. Projects are done with the operators, not for the operators.  

  • oversee all phases of the start-up, operation and maintenance of newly constructed or renovated water treatment plants. In addition to compliance adviser services to direct communication between water systems and the EPA.

  • facilitate environmental education and training through a hands-on, side-by-side approach that strengthens the confidence, knowledge, and skills of the operators.

Combined, RATES staff has over 90 years of water, wastewater and solid waste environmental experience. RATES business plan and strategies, including our overhead cost controls, result in services at a very competitive price which satisfies funding agencies and customers, while covering organizational costs to provide superior services.